Friday, May 5, 2017

Trump Enemy to Indian Country

Trump Enemy to Indian Country


Terrance H. Booth, Sr. – Neesh Wil Gum – Tsimshian

Trump Administration has drawn the lines as enemy to Indian Country, USA.  He favors opening up  oil exploration and by executive order continued operation to two controversial pipelines that Native People directly oppose.  No regard to honor Native American Treaties and passage of bills go without consultation from Indian Country, USA.

The Republican Congress in 2016 breached Federal Tribal Law with no hearing or consultation stealing Sacred Tribal Lands from San Carlos Apache Tribe and targeting a Tribe in Utah taking away more tribal lands.  Department of Interior has been silent on trust responsibility which is written Federal Law supposedly to protect tribal lands and tribal people. 

Since the US House of Representatives read the US Constitution it needs to read “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE POLICY ON INDIAN SOVEREIGNTY
” - Janet Reno
 Attorney General, Date: June 1, 1995 , which clearly defines Federal Trust Responsibility.  The Republican Congress has breached Tribal Sovereignty, Tribal Trust Responsibility with no federal agency that is obligated to protect all tribes did not intervene on Congressional passage of taking Sacred Tribal lands from San Carlos Apache or spoke up to stop TrumpCare from taking billions from Indian Health Care. It is evident that Trump is not making American Great for he is taking from programs that serves the neediest of American to benefit his rich friends or those that funded his campaign and giving them tax breaks.

I have written to make all tribal reservations to be Trump-Proof or Government-Proof which is a step to protect our Tribal Sovereignty and or Trust Responsibility and see that no more Tribal Lands are taken away from our Tribal People and Congress no longer steal any tribal lands.  For the safety of all our Tribal People immediate action must be taken to prevent any unjust action on part of Trump or Congress for the benefit of all our People that deserve to live in a safe tribal environment and live to see our culture, tribal songs and dances and our tribal history makes it to generation to come. 

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